
When the sun shines on the ocean, the surface water rises in temperature and evaporates. This is when the water changes its state of matter to a gas or vapor. You can see this on a day where it has rained, and then becomes warm and sunny and the rain rises as steam from the ground. Evaporation rates vary based on the amount of moisture already in the air, the temperature of the water, etc.
Now that you know what evaporation is, let’s get to it! As we warm up, we turn into vapor and rise into the atmosphere. At this point, we will experience advection as we travel through the atmosphere from over the ocean to over land. Advection just means the movement of water through the atmosphere

Cool Experiment: If you want to try out a cool evaporation experiment at home, get a small, shallow dish and fill it with warm water. Add enough salt to saturate the water. Let this sit out for several days and eventually the water will evaporate leaving just the salt crystals.