Extra Material

Groundwater in the Water Cycle
This website goes into detail about the groundwater aspect of the water cycle. If you want to know more about what happens to water underground and what problems exist about groundwater, this would be a great resource.

National Weather Service: The Hydrolic Cycle
This is an indepth description of the water cycle that includes interesting facts about water and the water budget in the U.S. and Oregon's water.

NASA Water Cycle Article
This NASA article is very detailed and filled with tons of information about the water cycle. The page is easy to navigate, but is a little harder to understand.

Water Cycle Diagram
This is an interactive diagram about the water cycle that might help you remember the steps.

USGS Water Science For Schools
This US Geological Survey website is very informative and has plenty of information on the water cycle. It provides all the important details without going overboard. It is very easy to navigate. It also has links to other water science information.